$directory = substr(DIR_BASE,0,-1); $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory)); $i=1; while($it->valid()) { if (!$it->isDot()) { echo "$i\n"; echo 'SubPathName: ' . $it->getSubPathName() . "\n"; echo 'SubPath: ' . $it->getSubPath() . "\n"; echo 'Key: ' . $it->key() . "\n\n"; $i++; } $it->next(); }
Html, JAVA,DOTNET,Javascript, PHP, and JQuery Scripts and its issues with solutions
Thursday, 31 July 2014
How to list files in Main directory & its Sub directory in dynamically in php?
How to create Zip file using php?
$zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip_name = time().".zip"; // Zip name $zip->open($zip_name, ZipArchive::CREATE); $zip->addFile('test.php'); $zip->close(); header('Content-type: application/zip'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$zip_name.'"'); readfile($zip_name); unlink($zip_name);
How to export My Sql Database Backup in php?
$backuptime = "DB_Backup_".DB_NAME."-".time().".sql"; //$backuptime = DB_NAME.".sql"; $data["db_file_name"] = $backuptime; $insert = $CommonObj->insert_query("db_backup",$data); $str = ""; $show_tables = "show tables from ".DB_NAME; $tables = $db->query($show_tables); if($tables){ while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tables)){ $table = $row["Tables_in_".DB_NAME]; $show_each_tables = "show create table ".$table; $each_tables = $db->query($show_each_tables); $each_tables = mysql_fetch_assoc($each_tables); $str .= $each_tables["Create Table"]; $str .= ";\n\n"; $show_column = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table"; $column = $db->query($show_column); $get_val_query = "select * from $table"; $get_val = $db->query($get_val_query); if($column && mysql_num_rows($get_val)>0){ $str .= "INSERT INTO `$table` ("; while($cols = mysql_fetch_assoc($column)){ $str .= '`'.$cols["Field"].'`, '; } $str = substr($str,0,-2); $str .= ") VALUES \n"; } if($get_val && mysql_num_rows($get_val)>0){ while($vals = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_val)){ $str .= "( "; foreach($vals as $k=>$v){ $v= mysql_real_escape_string($v); $str .= '"'.$v.'", '; } $str = substr($str,0,-2); $str .= "),\n"; } $str = substr($str,0,-2); } $str .= ";\n\n"; } } $handle = fopen(DIR_DB.$backuptime,'w+'); fwrite($handle,$str); fclose($handle);
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