Showing posts with label mysql. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mysql. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 September 2014

How to connect to MySQL from the command line?

Connect to MySQL from the command line

To connect to MySQL from the command line:

    Log in to your A2 Hosting account using SSH.
    At the command line, type the following command, replacing USERNAME with your username:

    mysql -u USERNAME -p

    At the Enter Password prompt, type your password. When you type the correct password, 
the mysql> prompt appears.

    To display a list of databases, type the following command at the mysql> prompt:

    show databases;

    To access a specific database, type the following command at the mysql> prompt, 
replacing DBNAME with the database that you want to access:

    use DBNAME;

    After you access a database, you can run SQL queries, list tables, and so on. Additionally:
        To view a list of MySQL commands, type help at the mysql> prompt.
        To exit the mysql program, type \q at the mysql> prompt.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Mysql get two column value in get single field

Table : user
| Id | Name  |
|  1 | Test  |
|  2 | Test1 |
|  3 | TEst2 |
|  4 | Test3 |
|  5 | Test4 |
|  6 | Test5 |
|  7 | Test6 |
Query :

selecr concat(id,":",name) as output from user

| output   |
|  1:Test  |
|  2:Test1 |
|  3:TEst2 |
|  4:Test3 |
|  5:Test4 |
|  6:Test5 |
|  7:Test6 |

Mysql get multi row value in get single field

Table : user
| Id | Name  |
|  1 | Test  |
|  2 | Test1 |
|  3 | TEst2 |
|  4 | Test3 |
|  5 | Test4 |
|  6 | Test5 |
|  7 | Test6 |

Query :
select group_concat(concat(id) SEPARATOR ',') from user


Thursday, 31 July 2014

How to export My Sql Database Backup in php?

$backuptime = "DB_Backup_".DB_NAME."-".time().".sql";
//$backuptime = DB_NAME.".sql";
$data["db_file_name"] = $backuptime;
$insert = $CommonObj->insert_query("db_backup",$data);
$str = "";
$show_tables = "show tables from ".DB_NAME;
$tables = $db->query($show_tables);
   while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tables)){
      $table = $row["Tables_in_".DB_NAME];
      $show_each_tables = "show create table ".$table;
      $each_tables  =  $db->query($show_each_tables);
      $each_tables = mysql_fetch_assoc($each_tables);
      $str .= $each_tables["Create Table"];
      $str .= ";\n\n";
      $show_column = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table";
      $column  =  $db->query($show_column);
      $get_val_query = "select * from $table";
      $get_val  =  $db->query($get_val_query);
      if($column && mysql_num_rows($get_val)>0){
         $str .= "INSERT INTO `$table` (";
         while($cols = mysql_fetch_assoc($column)){
            $str .= '`'.$cols["Field"].'`, ';
         $str = substr($str,0,-2);
         $str .=  ") VALUES \n";
      if($get_val && mysql_num_rows($get_val)>0){
         while($vals = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_val)){
            $str .= "( ";
            foreach($vals as $k=>$v){
               $v= mysql_real_escape_string($v);
               $str  .= '"'.$v.'", ';
            $str = substr($str,0,-2);
            $str .= "),\n";
         $str = substr($str,0,-2);
      $str .= ";\n\n";
$handle = fopen(DIR_DB.$backuptime,'w+');

Monday, 30 June 2014

MySQL IF function

MySQL IF function
Syntax: IF(expr,if_true_expr,if_false_expr)
SELECT IF(1 = 2,'true','false'); -- false
SELECT IF(1 = 1,' true','false'); -- true

MySQL Query GROUP BY day / month / year

Method I :
SELECT count('id') as cnt,order_status,order_date FROM `product_order` 
group by MONTH(order_date) 
Method II :
SELECT count('id') as cnt,order_status,order_date FROM `product_order` 
group by DATE_FORMAT(order_date, '%m')
Method III:
SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE YEAR(record_date), MONTH(record_date), COUNT(*) FROM stats 
GROUP BY YEAR(record_date)*100 + MONTH(record_date)

SELECT YEAR(date_column), MONTH(date_column), COUNT(*)
FROM date_table
GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(date_column, '%Y%m')

Saturday, 28 June 2014

PHP - Mysql Get date between two date ranges

Fetching records between two date ranges
Between two years
SELECT * FROM `dt_tb` WHERE year( dt2 ) between 2004 and 2005
Between two month ranges. 
SELECT * FROM `dt_tb` WHERE month(dt) between '02' and '08'

SELECT * FROM `dt_tb` WHERE month(dt) between '02' and '08' and year(dt) between 2004 and 2005

Between two date ranges
SELECT * FROM `dt_tb` WHERE dt BETWEEN '2005-01-01' AND '2005-12-31' 

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

How to get Enum Values in Mysql?

function get_enum($table,$clname){
  $Query="SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$table` LIKE '$clname'";
  $result = $this->db->query($Query) or die("Get Enum value Query");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result , MYSQL_NUM );
    $regex = "/'(.*?)'/";
    preg_match_all( $regex , $row[1], $enum_array );
    $enum_fields = $enum_array[1];
    return $enum_fields;
  return false;

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

To get distance based on latitude & longitude calculate in Mysql query

SELECT DISTINCT ( a.categoryID ), a.categoryName, a.imgFile, MIN( 3959 * ACOS( COS( RADIANS( 11.0168445 ) ) * COS( RADIANS( c.lattitude ) ) * COS( RADIANS( c.longitude ) - RADIANS( 76.9558321 ) ) + SIN( RADIANS( 11.0168445 ) ) * SIN( RADIANS( 11.0168445 ) ) ) ) AS distance